Abu Nuwas: His Poetry & Creed

أبو نواس: شعره وعقيدته



Abu Nuwas, Abbasid Era, Khamri Poetry, Spinning with boys, Asceticism.


Abu Nuwas Al-Hassan bin Hani bin Abdul- Awwal (145 AH-198 AH) is an Arab poet. He is considered one of the most prominent poets of the Abbasid era. He grew up in Basra, then moved to Baghdad, and admired the Baramikah and Al-Rabi families.And he contacted Al-Rashid and Al-Amin, an undisputed poet of Khamra, and so was Abu Nuwas, the leader of Khamri poetry among the Arabs As Abu Nuwas was the first to invent spinning with boys, Abu Nuwas could not take advantage of his abilities appropriately because of his companionship, and because of that he also wrote his poems in which he denied the afterlife, deviated from fate and spinning with boys and maidservants, wine verses and other absurdities, This indicates that the poet is denying fate and disbelieving in the hereafter, and this is the case in which he was far from his Lord, but if God gave him success, he would say his poems asceticism, and seek repentance from his Lord and seek forgiveness for his past ignorance. And if you cover the entire biography of the poet and read his poetry, then it is proven that the correct saying in his belief is that the poet took a path of ignorance and weakness, but in the end he repented and asked forgiveness from his Lord, and his ascetic verses are evidence of that, and in them he reaches his Lord and is ashamed of his past life and repents and hopes for forgiveness from God.

Author Biographies

Hafiz Abdul Rehman, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

PhD Scholar, Department of Arabic

Faculty of Islamic Learning, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Lecturer Arabic, Govt. Postgraduate College Baghdad Rd. Bahawalpur

Dr. Muhammad Ilyas, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic

Faculty of Islamic Learning, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur




How to Cite

Hafiz Abdul Rehman, & Dr. Muhammad Ilyas. (2022). Abu Nuwas: His Poetry & Creed: أبو نواس: شعره وعقيدته. Alorooba Research Journal, 3(4), 41–49. Retrieved from https://www.alorooba.org/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/51