Secrets in Choosing the Words of Musabbihaat (Analytical semantic Study)

الأسرار في اختيار كلمات المسبِّحات (دراسة دلالية تحليلية)



The Holy Quran, Arabic Grammar, Semantics, Surahs of Musabbihaat.


We find wonderful words in Quran because they are chosen by God Almighty, because the “Qur’anic word” is radiant with more than one indication and suggestive with more than one meaning and all of it is acceptable. So, my studies focused on revealing the secret in the competence of the infinitive, the derivative, the verb, the noun, and others in the Musabbihaat. My study was divided into the following three points: definition of Musabbihaat and their virtues, then a statistical study of the words in Musabbihaat, and then semantic analysis of the Musabbihaat vocabulary, including the results drawn from the research.

Author Biographies

Dr. Ammara Gulzar, International Islamic University, Islamabad

Lecturer, Faculty of Arabic,

International Islamic University, Islamabad - Pakistan

Rafia Bibi, NUML Islamabad

PhD scholar, Arabic Department

NUML, Islamabad - Pakistan




How to Cite

Dr. Ammara Gulzar, & Rafia Bibi. (2022). Secrets in Choosing the Words of Musabbihaat (Analytical semantic Study): الأسرار في اختيار كلمات المسبِّحات (دراسة دلالية تحليلية). Alorooba Research Journal, 3(4), 1–23. Retrieved from